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Many Medal of Honor recipients have given interviews detailing their actions which have been posted online. There are also many actual award presentations online. We have linked to these under the alphabetical listings.
For a list of born in, accredited to and Medals earned in Hawaii, click here: Hawaii (updated 7 Jan 2025)
Here is a map to the main gate of the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific; GPS numbers LAT 21.3114 LON -157.8446
Here is a map to the Wall of the Missing; GPS numbers LAT 21.3134 LON -157.8473
BIANCHI, Willibald Charles (World War II) National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (IMO Section MA, Site 39), Honolulu, HI LAT 21.3101 LON -157.8468
BOYDSTON, Erwin Jay (China) National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Section G, Site 703), Honolulu, HI LAT 21.3124 LON -157.8475
CADDY, William Robert (World War II) National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Section C, Site 81), Honolulu, HI LAT 21.3121 LON -157.8464
CANNON, George Hamm (World War II) National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Section C, Site 1644), Honolulu, HI LAT 21.3125 LON -157.8467
DAMATO, Anthony Peter (World War II) National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Section A, Site 334), Honolulu, HI LAT 21.3121 LON -157.8454
DAVIS, George Fleming (World War II) Likely buried at Sea. IMO at National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific, Honolulu, HI (MA, Site 98-E)
GPS LAT 21.3106 LON -157.8470
FLAHERTY, Francis Charles (World War II) USS Oklahoma Memorial, Pearl Harbor, Honolulu, Hawaii GPS LAT 21.36350 LON -157.95440
FOURNIER, William Grant (World War II) National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Section C, Site 462), Honolulu, HI LAT 21.3122 LON -157.8467
HAJIRO, Barney Fushimi (World War II) National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Section G, Site 75), Honolulu, HI LAT 21.3123 LON -157.8473
HALYBURTON, Jr. William David (World War II) National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Section O, Site 274), Honolulu, HI LAT 21.3133 LON -157.8464
HASEMOTO, Mikio (World War II) National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Section D, Grave 338), Honolulu, HI LAT 21.3128 LON -157.8471
HAWKINS, William Dean (World War II) National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Section B, Site 646), Honolulu, HI LAT 21.3116 LON -157.8457
HAYASHI, Shizuya (World War II) National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Section V, Site 464), Honolulu, HI LAT 21.3138 LON -157.8442
HILL, Edwin Joseph (World War II) National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Section A, Site 895), Honolulu, HI LAT 21.3125 LON -157.8459
INOUYE, Daniel Ken (World War II) National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific, Honolulu, (Section D, Site 391-A), Honolulu, HI LAT 21.3129 LON -157.8469
KAHO’OHANOHANO, Anthony T. (Korea) Maui Veterans Cemetery, Maui County, Hawaii, Maui, HI LAT 20.8626 LON -156.3137
KANESHIRO, Edward Noboru (Vietnam) National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Section W, 262), Honolulu, HI LAT 21.3147 LON -157.8454
KAWAMURA, Terry Teruo (Vietnam) Mililani Memorial Park (Section U, Block 23, Lot 14), Pearl City, Oahu, HI LAT 21.4429 LON -157.9883
KIDD, Isaac Campbell (World War II) USS Arizona Memorial, Pearl Harbor, Honolulu, HI GPS LAT 21.36500 LON -157.95010
KOBASHIGAWA, Yeiki (World War II) National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Columbarium Court 8, Wall E, Row 500, Niche 536), Honolulu, HI LAT 21.3140 LON -157.8441
KURODA, Robert Toshio (World War II) National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Section D, Grave 92), Honolulu, HI LAT 21.3129 LON -157.8471
LINDBERGH, Jr. Charles Augustus (Interim 1920-1940) Kipahulu Church Cemetery, Kipahulu, Maui, HI LAT 20.6512 LON -156.0555
MAXAM, Larry Leonard (Vietnam) National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Section J, 388), Honolulu, HI LAT 21.3106 LON -157.8469
MAY, Martin O. (World War II) National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Section N, Site 1242), Honolulu, HI LAT 21.3128 LON -157.8456
MCCARD, Robert Howard (World War II) National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Section B, Site 1024), Honolulu, HI LAT 21.3116 LON -157.8459
MENDONCA, Leroy Anthony (Korea) National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Section Q, Site 1408), Honolulu, HI LAT 21.3139 LON -157.8453
MOTO, Kaoru (World War II) National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Court 2, Wall F, Row 400, Niche 422), Honolulu, HI LAT 21.3133 LON -157.8437
MULLER, Joseph E. (World War II) National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Section N, Site 1259), Honolulu, HI LAT 21.3129 LON -157.8457
NAKAE, Masato (World War II) National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Section U, Grave 1446), Honolulu, HI LAT 21.3127 LON -157.8440
NAKAMINE, Shinyei (World War II) National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Section D, Grave 402), Honolulu, HI LAT 21.3127 LON -157.8469
OHATA, Allan Masaharu (World War II) National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Section III, Site 474), Honolulu, HI LAT 21.3121 LON -157.8482
OKUTSU, Yukio (World War II) East Hawaii Veterans Cemetery #II (Section C, Row 9, Plot 1), Hilo, HI LAT 19.71737 LON -155.09331
ORIG, Bruno Raymond (Korean War) National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Section P, Site 183), Honolulu, HI Approx GPS LAT 21.3130 LON -157.8449
OZBOURN, Joseph William (World War II) National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Section F, Site 77), Honolulu, HI LAT 21.3115 LON -157.8471
PILILAAU, Herbert K. (Korea) National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Section P, Site 127), Honolulu, HI LAT 21.3119 LON -157.8481
REEVES, Thomas James (World War II) National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Section A, Site 884), Honolulu, HI LAT 21.3123 LON -157.8458
ROSS, Donald Kirby (World War II) USS Nevada, Hawaiian waters, HI (Reported to be sunk off Oahu, roughly 60 miles out to sea from Pearl Harbor)
SARNOSKI, Joseph Raymond (World War II) National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Section A, Site 582), Honolulu, HI LAT 21.3121 LON -157.8455
SMITH, Elmelindo Rodriques (Vietnam) National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Section W, Site 131), Honolulu, HI LAT 21.3147 LON -157.8456
TIMMERMAN, Grant Frederick (World War II) National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Section A, Site 844), Honolulu, HI LAT 21.3122 LON -157.8456
TOMICH, Peter (World War II) USS Utah. It is possible to visit the USS Utah Memorial which looks out over the sunken ship. Click here for instructions: USS Utah The ships GPS is LAT 21.36910 LON -157.96260
VAN VALKENBURGH, Franklin (World War II) USS Arizona Memorial, Pearl Harbor, Honolulu, HI GPS LAT 21.36500 LON -157.95010
WAI, Francis B. (World War II) National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Section Q, Grave 1194), Honolulu, HI LAT 21.3141 LON -157.8451
WARD, James Richard (World War II) USS Oklahoma Memorial, Pearl Harbor, Honolulu, Hawaii GPS LAT 21.36350 LON -157.95440
WILSON, Benjamin F. (Korea) National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Section A, Site 1060, Lot A), Honolulu, HI LAT 21.3127 LON -157.8462
YANO, Rodney James Tadashi (Vietnam) National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Section W, Site 614), Honolulu, HI LAT 21.3146 LON -157.8453