Lost to History


There are roughly 310 recipients who are listed as Lost to History as their burial location is unknown. We are actively working with the Congressional Medal of Honor Society to locate their final resting place. Some are also listed on the Missing In Action section.

What follows are their names and what if any information we have regarding their death or reported burial. If you have any additional verifiable information on them, please contact us.


Name: Adriance, Harry Chapman
Conflict: China Relief Expedition
Branch: US Marine Corps
Known death information: 25 January 1934 at Coney Isl, Brooklyn, NY
Reported Burial: cremation at Fresh Pond Crematorium, NY
Notes: Ashes returned to wife. There are reports that he was to be buried in the “National Cemetery” but he was not.
His widow Mazie is buried in Flushing Cemetery in NY but he is not buried with her. His mother is buried in Riverside Cemetery, Oswego, NY but he is not buried with her either.

Name: Aheam, Michael
Alias: Ahern, Ahearn, O’Hearn, signed letter acknowledging Medal as Michael Ahern
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy-U.S.S. Kearsarge
Notes: His rendezvous card shows enlistment aboard ship in France. He served from Nov 1863 to Dec 1864. Some sources think he enlisted in Queenstown, Ireland. Also served on the U.S. Steamer Mahaska. There were two Michael Ahern’s. Another man by this name enlisted in New York in March 1864.

Name: Andrews, John
Alias: True name likely James Andrews.
Conflict: Korea 1870
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Benicia
Notes: Believed to have been discharged at Mare Island August 29, 1872 at his own request with end rank of “C.A.G.”

Name: Austin, William G.
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co E, 7th US Cav
Known Death info: 15 July 1929 in Los Altos, California
Notes: Cremains returned to family. Now has an IMO in Savannah, GA


Name: Bailey, James E.
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co E, 5th US Cav
Notes: Discharged 8 June 1875 at Camp McDowell, Arizona.

Name: Baker, John
Alias: Beker (May be his true name)
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co D, 5th US Inf
Notes: on the enlistment record and the newspaper article announcing his MOH award, his last name is spelled ‘Beker.’ According to enlistment record, he was a baker by trade and was discharged Oct. 15, 1879, by both expiration of service & G.O. 24, AGO 59 at Fort Keogh, MT.

Name: Bancroft, Neil
Alias: Neil Bauercroft
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co A, 7th US Cav
Notes: When enlisted, occupation was lumberman. Discharged 20 Sep 1878 in Arizona.

Name: Barnum, James
Alias: James Bauman
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. New Ironsides
Notes: Applied for the Medal from Philadelphia in October 1865 as James Barnum.

Name: Barrett, Edward
Conflict: Peacetime 1871-1898
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Alaska
Notes: occupation at enlistment was ‘calker’ and residence was in Philadelphia, but physically enlisted at Mare Island, CA. Calker definition: “workmen skilled in stopping the seams of the deck or sides of vessels.” May have been serving on the Independence in 1901.
Placed an ad in a Sacramento paper in October 1884 regarding his lost Medal.

Name: Belcher, Thomas
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – Co I, 9th Me Inf
Known death information: 22 May 1898 – Augusta, Maine
Reported Burial: unknown cemetery, Togus, ME
Notes: also Co. A, 45th U.S. Inf.

Name: Bennett, Orren
Alias: Bennett, Orrin
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – Unit: Co D, 141st PA Inf. All documents show his name as Orren Bennett.

Name: Betham, Asa
Alias: Beetham
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Pontoosuc
Notes: Enlisted 17 July 1861 at NYC. Re-enlisted 2 Sept 1864 at NYC. Son of Peter and Emily Betham. Peter died in NYC 3 May 1855. Asa also had a brother named Peter who was also in the Navy during the Civil War. The Library of Congress reportedly has a manuscript collection called the “Asa Betham Papers” but after being contacted, they said they do not have them.

Name: Blagheen, William
Alias/True Name: Blagden
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – Unit: U.S.S. Brooklyn
Notes: Applied for a pension from New York City in December 1890 but was rejected due to recorded desertion in Dec 1864 from USS Galena. Also served on Brandywine.

Name: Blair, James
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Unit: Co I, 1st US Cav
Notes: two enlistments in Co. I, 1st Cav
He acknowledged receipt of the Medal at Camp Halleck, NV in April 1875.
Discharged 8 July 1880 in Nevada.

Name: Blake, Robert
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S. Steam Gunboat Marblehead
Notes: Escaped slave. Discharged from Navy in Feb 1865.
Possibly buried in Third Union Church Cem, King Co., VA. Needs further research to prove MOH connection
Also served on the Vermont and New Hampshire.

Name: Blanquet
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Indian Scouts

Name: Blucher, Charles
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – Co H, 188th PA Inf
Notes: Also served Co E, 152nd PA Art. Worked as a tailor before enlistment.

Name: Bowden, Samuel
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co M, 6th U.S. Cav
Notes: Discharged 19 Feb 1871 at Ft. Richardson, Texas.

Name: Bradley, Charles
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Louisville
Notes: Born in Belfast, Ireland. Had 3 years prior service at MoH enlistment. He acknowledged receipt of the Medal on board the US Gun Boat Louisville, off Vicksburg, MS on 5 September 1863.

Name: Branagan, Edward
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co F, 4th US Cav
Notes: Has IMO at Fort Concho, TX. Discharged January 1876 at Ft. Sill.

Name: Brazell, John
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Richmond
Last Known City/State: Philadelphia PA
Known Date of Death: 8/12/1866
Notes: also served on the Brooklyn. His father applied for a Pension which shows that Brazell died 12 August 1866 while on board the Chattanooga at Philadelphia, PA; the Navy however maintained that he had deserted.

Name: Brennan, Christopher
Alias: Brannan, Brannon, Brennen.
Conflict: Civil War – USS Colorado/Mississippi
Branch: US Navy –Also served on U.S.S. Ino. Recommendations state he was from the U.S.S. Colorado and temporarily assigned to U.S.S. Mississippi. He was on the USS Mississippi during the action. Had been promoted to Quartermaster on the Ino when recommendation went forward.
Some reports say he deserted in 1864 but there is also a possible 1865 enlistment in Boston.
True name may be Brennen.

Name: Bringle, Andrew
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – Unit: Co F, 10th NY Cav (Porter Guard)
Notes: Mustered out 26 Jun 1865 at Cloud’s Mills, VA

Name: Brinn, Andrew
Alias: True Name likely Brynn
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Mississippi
Notes: Also served on U.S. Steamer Hollyhock, USS Arizona and USS Portsmouth. He died on 2 June 1886 while serving as a Lighthouse keeper at Sabine Pass Lighthouse, located in Louisiana near the Texas border. Grave likely destroyed when a hurricane went through the area a short time later.

Name: Brown, Charles
Conflict: Korea 1870
Branch: USMC – U.S.S. Colorado
Notes: Deserted 12 Oct 1871 in Shanghai. Pension file received from National Archives appears to be for the wrong Charles Brown.

Name: Brown, James
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Albatross
Notes: Also served on the Metacomet and U.S.S. Katahdin. Rank was Acting Masters Mate on 9 June 1864 when Medal was transmitted to him and Acting Ensign on 19 July 1864 when he acknowledged receipt.
Birth officially listed as Rochester, NY but documents show Rochester, NH.

Name: Brown, James
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co F, 5th US Cav
Notes: He acknowledged receipt at Camp Grant, AZ on 3 January 1875. Letter is dated 1874 but appears to be a clerical error as Nihill and Glynn’s letters are identical with a noticeably corrected date.

Name: Brown, John
Alias: Thomas Hayes
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Brooklyn
Last Known City/State: Sonoma CA
Known Date of Death: 11/1/1883
Known Place of Death: CA
Notes: Born Glasgow, 38 y/o when enlisted 1864, occupation: mariner (USS Brooklyn’s muster roll)

Name: Brown, John
Conflict: Peacetime 1865-1870
Branch: US Navy – Recorded ship was U.S.S. Winooski but according to letter of recommendation he was from the U.S.S. De Soto. Those he rescued were from the Winooski.

Name: Brown, Lorenzo Dow
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co A, 7th US Inf
Last Known City/State: Jonesboro AR
Known Date of Death: 4/17/1906
Known Place of Death: AR
Notes: Reported drowned at the “mouth of the St. Francis River, AR, while fishing where he had a house” which was reportedly near Jonesboro, AR. Two witnesses viewed the body and confirmed his identity following his death. The remains were taken to Newport, AR, for this purpose. His wife’s name was Margaret; listed on 1900 US Census in St. Louis, MO with his occupation fisherman.

Name: Brown, Robert
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Richmond
Last Known City/State:
Notes: Also served on the Westfield

Name: Burke, Patrick J.
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co B, 8th US Cav
Known Death Information: 21 May 1900, either Watrous, or Tiptonville, Mora County, NM
Notes: Also served in 2nd Dragoons & Navy. New Mexico marriage index lists his name as Patricio Juan Burke. He married Manuela Alderete there in December 1879.

Name: Burnes, James
Conflict: China Relief Expedition
Branch: US Marine Corps – U.S.Flagship Newark
Notes: Bad conduct discharge 20 Mar 1905

Name: Burns, John M.
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Lackawanna
Notes: 1898 New York Time article said deserted at Pensacola. He actually died in the Navy hospital there in September 1864.

Name: Burton, Albert
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Wabash
Notes: Enlisted in NY in 1864. Listed age as 26, birth in England. Gray eyes, dark brown hair, dark complexion 5′ 8″ tall. Previous occupation Mariner but does not indicate prior Navy service. He is shown with rating of Captain of the Top on December 1864 ship muster roll. Deserted in February 1865, likely at Boston Navy Yard.


Name: Cable, Joseph A.
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co I, 5th US Inf
Notes: Cable died shortly after the Bear Paw battle in Montana. His service file says he died at Missouri River. This is consistent with a 5 Oct 1877 document stating that Bear Paw wounded w/be shipped to Missouri.

Name: Campbell, William
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Ticonderoga
Notes: Born in Indiana, actual enlistment was in New York January 1862. He was discharged in February 1865.

Name: Carr, Franklin
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – Co D, 124th OH Inf
Known Death Information: 16 October 1904, McAlester OK
Notes: The 1900 Census shows his wife and two of his children living in Washington Township, St. Joseph, Missouri. His Oklahoma obituary lists his occupation as a contractor.

Name: Carroll, Thomas
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co L, 8th US Cav
Notes: Discharged Oct 1871 at Ft. Union, NM. Believed to have reenlisted in St. Louis, MO in Nov 1871, Co H, 5th Cav. Discharged Nov 1876 at Camp Robinson, NE.

Name: Carter, George
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co B, 8th US Cav
Notes: Discharged October 1871 in New Mexico.

Name: Cavanaugh, Thomas
Conflict: Peacetime 1871-1898
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Potomac
Notes: His recorded place of birth is Ireland but his service records show he was born in New York. Received a Bad Conduct Discharge in New York, NY in July 1909.

Name: Celiz, Christopher A.
Conflict: War on Terror – Afghanistan
Branch: US Army
Notes: Celiz was returned to the US and a funeral was held in Savanah, Georgia but his burial is currently unknown.

Name: Chiquito
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army Indian Scout

Name: Clancy, James T.
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – Co C, 1st NJ Cav
Known Death Information: December 1870 – Remedios Cuba
Notes: Was involved in US civilian military aid to Cuba during Cuban revolution against Spain.

Name: Clark, Wilfred
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co L, 2d US Cav
Last Known City/State: Cascade MT
Notes: Also Co. D, 6 PA Cav. and Co. D, 2 PA Cav. Applied for pension from Cascade, Cascade County, Mont., in July 1892, no record of pension approval. Locals in Cascade searched for him & found nothing, as did the people at Custer NC. Was once thought to have been located in Joplin, MO but the dates of the MO mans age and service do not match the MoH man. May have served in the Navy prior to his Civil War army enlistment.

Name: Conlan, Dennis
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Agawam
Known Death Information: 2 December 1870, New York, NY
Reported Burial: Calvary Cemetery, Woodside, NY
Notes: Cemetery has no record of burial

Name: Connolly, Michael
Alias: Michael Connelly
Conflict: Peacetime 1871-1898
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Plymouth
Notes: USS Plymouth: Last name is spelled ‘Connelly’ on enlistment record, residence at enlistment was Boston, and occupation Fisherman. Was discharged 18 July 1877 at Norfolk, VA

Name: Connor, Thomas
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Minnesota
Notes: Deserted 20 Aug 1865 from the U.S.S. Phlox. Also served on ships Alleghany, Berberry. Occupation was mariner. He had blue eyes, brown hair, florid complexion and was 5′ 6″ tall with a scar on his right arm. He was also a substitute. May have had middle initial of O.
There were two Thomas Connor’s aboard the Phlox, the other man was born in England and discharged in April 1865.

Name: Connors, James
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – Co E, 43d NY Inf
Notes: Discharged 27 June 1865

Name: Corey, William
Conflict: Peacetime 1871-1898
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Plymouth
Notes: Residence at enlistment was in NYC and occupation Laborer. Second enlistment in Boston in 1879 gives occupation as plumber. Both note birth in New York.
There is a Navy pension for a William Corey who died and is reported buried in Andover, NY but this man was a Civil War veteran who was discharged in 1865.

Believed Found
Name: Costello, John
Conflict: Peacetime 1871-1898
Branch: US Navy – U.S. Steamer Hartford
Notes: Died 11 April 1887 at Chelsea Naval Hospital in Massachusetts.
Matching grave at Mt. Calvary Cemetery in Roslindale, MA

Name: Cotton, Peter
Alias: possibly Peter Colton
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Baron De Kalb

Name: Crandall, Charles
Alias: Hunter, Charles
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co B, 8th US Cav
Notes: Also enlisted as “Charles Hunter” in Co. I, 17th Inf.; it us unknown which name was his true name. Discharged at Alcatraz Isl, Calif 27 Jul 1874.

Name: Crist, John
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co L, 8th US Cav
Notes: Discharged October 1871 in New Mexico.

Name: Crowley, Michael
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – Co A, 22d NY Cav
Notes: Information that MOH recipient died 5/12/1888 in Worcester, MA, is incorrect. Year of birth is actually 1844.

Name: Cunningham, Charles
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co B, 7th US Cav
Notes: Discharged December 1879 at Ft. Yates.

Name: Cutter, George W.
Conflict: Peacetime 1871-1898
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Powhatan
Notes: He had at least two enlistments, one in 1868 and the next in 1872. Possible link?: George W. W. Cutter died 8/20/1872 in Philadelphia, buried St. Paul’s Methodist-Episcopal Church. Cutter was a shovel maker before joining the Navy in 1868 at New York City. He then re-enlisted in 1872 at Philadelphia. Both times his birthplace is given as Philadelphia. His birth year is different at each enlistment-1847 or 1849.


Name: Daily, Charles
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co B, 8th US Cav
Notes: Believed to have deserted December 1868 at unknown location.

Name: Davis, John
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy, USS Valley City
Notes: Died 17 November 1863 and buried in Naval cemetery, Brooklyn, NY. Was thought to have been reinterred in Cypress in 1926 but this cannot be confirmed. There is a John Davis buried there but may not be the MoH man. Additionally, a document compiled in 1999 lists him as unresolved, no evidence he was one of those transferred to Cypress.

Name: Dawson, Michael
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co H, 6th US Cav
Last Known City/State: Ashuelot NH
Notes: Also served in Co. K, 132 NY Inf.; Co. E, 3 U.S. Art.; Co. E, 12 U.S. Inf.; USMC. Applied for pension 1884; last pension payment Sept. 1900. He was dropped from pension rolls Jan. 1904 for “failure to claim pension”. Lived in New England area; last known address at Ashuel.

Name: Day, William L.
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co E, 5th US Cav
Notes: Discharged November 1878 at Ft. McKinney.

Name: Dempster, John
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. New Ironsides
Notes: Born in Scotland. At least two enlistments, first was in New York in 1861. Believed to have been discharged in August 1864.

Name: Ditzenback, John
Alias: Ditzenbach
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.Monitor Neosho
Notes: Physically enlisted at Cincinnati, OH, 8 May 1863, residence in Indiana. Occupation: Riverman, likely traveled a lot, place of birth is NYC.

Name: Donelly, John S.
Alias: John S. Donnelly
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co G, 5th US Inf
Notes: Name on Army enlistment register is Donnelly. Was a blacksmith when enlisted in 1876. Deserted 17 May 1877.

Name: Dougherty, Patrick
Alias: Robert Dougherty
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Lackawanna
Notes: first name originally given as “Robert” Was in Brooklyn, NY in September 1865, signed name as Patrick.

Name: Dougherty, William
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co B, 8th US Cav
Notes: Discharged September 1872 for disability in New Mexico. No Pension card located.

Name: Dow, Henry
Alias: Andrew Dow
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Cincinnati
Notes: True name likely Andrew. Also served on U.S.S. Choctaw and U.S. Steamer General Grant. Name given as Henry on Medal of Honor correspondence but Andrew on After Action report. Applied for Pension (unapproved) in San Jose, Calif in 1890 as Andrew.

Name: Du Moulin, Frank
Conflict: Peacetime 1865-1870
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Sabine
Notes: Last known location was in Philadelphia in 1887.

Name: Duncan, Adam
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Richmond
Notes: He also served on the Brooklyn and U.S. Steamer Dacotah. As of MOH action in 1864, he had served 6 years in the Navy. Born Sullivan, Maine, DOB could be closer to 1836. He had at least three enlistments, likely four.


Name: Ellis, William
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – Co K, 3d WI Cav
Known Death info: Died 1 Feb 1875 in Cajon Pass, CA often recorded as Cahon Pap, CA. He is also recorded to be buried at County PAP Cemetery San Bernardino, CA but no such cemetery exists.
Cajon Pass is in San Bernardino National Forest. According to sworn testimony, Ellis had been renting and living on a ranch at the Pass for at least a year prior to his death. The ranch belonged to the postmaster in El Monte, CA.
William was born circa 1832 and married Matilda, nee Couch in Arkansas. They moved to California in 1869. Matilda died in Los Angeles on 25 Feb. 1906.

Name: Elmore, Walter
Conflict: Peacetime 1871-1898
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Gettysburg
Notes: Acknowledged receiving the Medal in December 1878. Born in Hertford, England, discharged in Genoa, Italy on 21 April 1879.

Name: Elsatsoosu
Alias: Elsatsoosh
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Indian Scouts

Name: Evans, Coron D.
Alias: First name: Cowan D.; Corren; Corran; Corean D.
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – Co A, 3d Ind Cav


Name: Fanning, Nicholas
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – Co B, 4th IA Cav
Notes: Birthplace recorded as both Indiana and Ireland on the service record.
There are at least two Nicholas Fanning’s. One moved to Wisconsin and died there in 1896. One was arrested in May 1867 at Independence, Iowa but escaped shortly thereafter.

Name: Farley, William
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Marblehead
Notes: He is included on a list of Whitefield, ME, residents and MOH. He is NOT at Alexandria NC as that Farley died in 1864 and was in the 31st ME Inf while the MoH man was still in the Navy. MOH recipient enlisted 9 Dec. 1860 at Boston, MA, residence ME, also served on the Ohio and Iosco. Appointed Acting Maters Mate December 1863, deserted April 1864.
According to the book The Story Of American Heroism, Farley went on leave in New York and never returned. Speculation was that he was “shanghaid”.

Name: Farren, Daniel
Alias: Farrin, Daniel
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co B, 8th US Cav
Notes: Deserted several times, last desertion 6 Oct. 1870.

Name: Fasseur, Isaac L.
Conflict: Peacetime 1871-1898
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Lackawanna
Notes: Born Flushing, Holland. Had 4 enlistments and was still in the navy serving on the USS Philadelphia in 1900. 1899 enlistment notes wife as Mary. Married Julia Haggerty in either late 1900 or early 1901. Deserted the navy in 1902.

Name: Ferrari, George
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co D, 8th US Cav
Notes: May be buried in Mt Pleasant Burial Grounds, Seattle with date of death of May 4, 1895. This man however appears to have been born in Switzerland or Italy and the MoH man is believed to have been born in New York.

Name: Fitzpatrick, Thomas
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Hartford
Notes: Was a resident of Philadelphia in November 1865 when he applied for his Medal. An 1893 Newspaper article says he is a resident of Boston’s North end.

Name: Flannagan, John
Alias: John Flanagan
Conflict: Peacetime 1871-1898
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Supply
Notes: He had several enlistments; last name also spelled “Flanagan”. Residence New York City at 1880 enlistment

Name: Flood, Thomas S.
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Pensacola
Notes: Father: Geo. W. Flood, mother: Mary J. and sister Mary S. Flood; family lived in D.C. for the rest of their lives; briefly a midshipman and then later an acting masters mate. He applied for his Medal in May 1866 from Washington, DC.
There is an Army Pension Card for a man by this name who served in the Navy and in Co B, 3rd Cav. This is not the recipient. This man was not in the service when the MoH man earned his Medal.

Tentatively located
Name: Foley, John H.
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co B, 3d US Cav
Known death information: 18 November 1874, Benicia Barracks CA
Reported Burial: Benicia Barracks (Row first, Block first, Lot No. 8), CA but possibly as an unknown.

Name: Folly, William H.
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co B, 8th US Cav
Notes: Discharged May 1872 in New Mexico.

Name: Fowler, Christopher
Conflict: Peacetime 1871-1898
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Fortune
Notes: Born New York City, NY, residence New York City, NY, physically enlisted at Philadelphia, PA (but should remain accredited to NY as per Navy regulations at the time); second enlistment in 1875.

Name: Franks, William J.
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Marmora
Last Known City/State: possibly Christian, AR
Notes: Discharged USN 27 Aug. 1865; may have lived 1880 at Christian, Independence Co., Ark.
Also served on the U.S.S. Romeo. Was in De Valls Bluff, Arkansas in November 1865.

Name: Fratellenico, Franco Rocco
Conflict: Vietnam
Branch: US Army – Co B, 2d Bn, 502d Inf, 1st Bde, 101st Airborne Div
Known Death Information: 19 August 1970 in Vietnam
Notes: Originally buried on his fathers family farm, his father later had him exhumed and cremated. His Cremains were taken to Thailand.

Name: Funk, West
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – 121st PA Inf
Notes: Also served in Co. C, 9 MA Inf.; Co. E, 19 PA Inf.
We now know that he died in Smithtown, Suffolk County, New York on 29 July 1897 and not Philadelphia as previously believed.


Name: Gardiner, Peter W.
Alias: Gardner, Peter W.
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co H, 6th US Cav
Last Known City/State: Fort Lowell AZ
Known Death: 1883 in Arizona
Notes: Applied for pension July 1880 from an unknown location; pension rejected on 12 Nov 1887 because he “died some four years ago”. Believed to have died at Fort Lowell, AZ – the remains at the fort cemetery were removed and reinterred elsewhere. Once thought to have been reinterred at San Francisco Nat’l Cemetery when Ft. Lowell, AZ closed but this proved false.
He acknowledged receipt of his Medal at Camp Bowie, AZ on 1 January 1877.
The name Gardner/Gardiner may be an alias. His pension card listed several PA units of service during the Civil War but his name is not in their records.

Name: Gardner, William
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Galena
Notes: Ship may have actually been the Oneida.

Name: Garvin, William
Alias: William Garver
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Agawam
Notes: Transferred to Navy from Army from 8th Connecticut Infantry. Discharged from Navy Jan 1866 at Norfolk, VA

Name: Gasson, Richard
Alias: Gosson, Gossen
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – Co K, 47th NY Inf
Known Death Information: 29 September 1864, Chapin’s Farm, VA

Name: Georgian, John
Alias: Georgen, John
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co G, 8th US Cav
Notes: Discharged Nov 1871 in New Mexico.

Name: Gillick, Matthew
Alias: Matthew C. Gillick
Conflict: Peacetime 1871-1898
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Lancaster
Notes: middle initial “C”; physically enlisted at Boston

Name: Glavinski, Albert
Likely true name: Glawinski, Albert
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co M, 3d US Cav
Notes: Family believed him to be in New Orleans, LA in March 1907. They never heard from him again after this date and assumed him to have died at some point. He appears to have worked in the Panama Canal area La Boca Locks from Sep – Dec 1907.

Name: Glynn, Michael
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co F, 5th US Cav
Notes: He acknowledged receipt of Medal at Camp Grant, AZ in January 1875. Was discharged from there in March 1875.
A man by this same name enlisted in November 1875 in Sacramento, CA but the enlistment was canceled as it was under “false pretenses”. Unresolved if this is the same man.

Name: Goodman, David
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co L, 8th US Cav
Notes: There is a David Linas Goodman, dob 1845 who died in 1907 in Orange, Massachusetts, buried in Lot #92 in Central Cemetery. There is no link between him and the MoH man and there are 1869 Massachusetts residency records that seem to preclude the grave being that of the MoH man.

Name: Gouraud, George Edward
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – US Vols
Known Death Information: 17 February 1912. Was recorded as England but was actually in Vevey, Switzerland. Reported to be buried next to his wife in Brighton, England.

Name: Gray, John
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – Co B, 5th OH Inf
Notes: The man buried in Leavenworth Nat’l Cemetery in Kansas is not the Medal of Honor recipient. That man was in Co K, 5th OH Inf at the same time the recipient was in Co B earning the Medal. The man in Co B went to St. Louis in 1869 to look for work as an engineer. He was never heard from again despite several attempts by former comrades’ to find him.
The VA has been notified.

Name: Greene, John
Alias: True name may be John Green
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Varuna
Notes: The signature on his Medal application and letter acknowledging receipt is John Green and appears to be an original signature. Also served on the Iron Clad Steamer Essex.


Name: Haffee, Edmund
AKA: Edward Haffee
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. New Ironsides
Notes: Discharged in May 1865. 1870 Census in Philadelphia shows a man by this name with occupation as ‘waterman.’ He is listed in the household of Rosanna Haffee-relationship is unknown.

Name: Hall, John
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co B, 8th US Cav
Notes: Deserted 27 September 1869

Name: Hamilton, Frank
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co E, 8th US Cav
Notes: Discharged May 1873 at Ft. Wingate, NM.

Name: Hamilton, Matthew H.
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co G, 7th US Cav
Notes: First enlistment said born in Australia, 2nd and 3rd said Stranraer, Scotland.
Discharged 22 April 1899, possibly in Pinar del Rio, Cuba. Rank Q.M. Sergt.

Name: Hand, Allexander
Alias: Alexander Hand
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Ceres
Last Known City/State: Baltimore MD
Notes: Hand also served on the USS Mississippi in an 1857 enlistment. He acknowledged receipt of his Medal on the USS Brandywine and later that year served one year in the army as a substitute with Co D, 1st Regt Delaware Volunteers.
Last contact with pension board was 7 Jan 1880 with residence in Baltimore, MD.

Name: Harcourt, Thomas
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Minnesota
Notes: Originally Co. A, 4th NH Infantry, transferred to Navy April 1864. Enlisted in Army in 1863 at Haverhill, NH, with residence in Boston but deserted 4 April 1865. Occupation listed as sailor, hazel eyes, brown hair, dark complexion.

Name: Harrington, Daniel C.
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Pocahontas
Notes: Promoted to acting master’s mate; also served on the Sacramento and US Steamer Tug Violet. Was living in Charlestown Mass in January 1881.

Name: Harris, David W.
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co A, 7th US Cav
Last Known City/State: Washington DC
Notes: Also Co. E, 5th Inf. & General Service; applied for pension in 1897 from D.C., no record of pension being approved.
Died 10 July 1907 in Washington, DC, Buried in “Potters Field”.

Name: Harris, John
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Metacomet
Notes: Birthplace varies between Scotland and Norway, 1863 enlistment shows Norway. Transferred from Metacomet to U.S.S. Ft. Morgan in Nov 1864. Acknowledged receiving Medal aboard the U.S.S. Rush in July 1875.

Name: Hart, William E.
Alias: Heart
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – Co B, 8th NY Cav
Known Death Information: 21 October 1874, Champlain Canal, NY
Reported Burial: unknown cemetery, Halfmoon, NY
Notes: Also in Co. G, 8th NY Cav.

Name: Hayden, Cyrus
Conflict: Korea 1870
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Colorado
Notes: Entered service Boston, MA, in 1869 with residence in Maine, occupation farmer.
There is a man with a similar name who died in 1912 in Presque Isle, ME but there is no evidence that the MoH man had a middle name nor that the man buried in Maine was a veteran.

Name: Hayden, Joseph B.
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Ticonderoga
Notes: First enlistment as seaman, 12/4/1862, disch. 3/14/1864, served on North Carolina & Connecticut. Residence at second enlistment (1864) was in Kings County, NY

Name: Hayes, Thomas
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Richmond
Notes: Also served on the USS Princeton. He was actually from the Richmond but serving on the Brooklyn.
The Thomas Hayes buried in Middletown is not the MoH man. This man didn’t immigrate until 1862-1864, so could not have enlisted in 1861.

Name: Herda, Frank Alyosious
Conflict: Vietnam
Branch: US Army
Notes: Herda died on 13 Oct 2023 at Parma Heights, Ohio but his burial is unknown

Name: Higby, Charles
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – Co F, 1st PA Cav
Known Death Information: 19 February 1903, McLoud, OK
Notes: Widows name is Sabina. Charles was born in May 1840 according to the 1900 Census. Charles and Sabina’s daughter Marguerite died in 1907 and is buried in Highland Cemetery, Wichita, KS

Name: Higgins, Thomas P.
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co B, 8th US Cav
Notes: His first enlistment ended with a discharge for disability on 16 Dec 1868. Second enlistment in 23rd Inf ended by Special Order #86, Dept. of Columbia, at Fort Vancouver, Washington, on 30 June 1871.

Name: Highland, Patrick
Alias: Hyland, Hiland
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – Co D, 23d IL Inf
Notes: His name is spelled as both Highland and Hyland in the Illinois Civil War service reference books.

Name: Hill, Frank
Conflict: Spanish-American War
Branch: US Marine Corps – U.S.S. Nashville
Last Known City/State: Ordinance Barracks, Benicia CA
Notes: Also Co. B, 5 Inf. & Co. E, 15 Inf.; last military discharge 1903 for disability at Ordinance Barracks, Benicia, CA

Name: Hill, George
Alias: Possibly John Hill but John may be a clerical error
Conflict: Peacetime 1871-1898
Branch: US Navy – Unit: U.S.S. Kansas
Notes: Also listed as “John Hill” on some Navy rolls; not at Cyprss Hills National, Brooklyn, NY, as per VA.
There was a George and a John Hill and both served on the Kansas but not at the same time. John was not aboard the Kansas until much later than the MoH action. The recommendation for the award is under the name George.
George’s enlistment reads born in Boston but the Kansas muster rolls show Bristol, England. England is the listed place of birth for the MoH man.
The Navy MoH order and an 1898 article listing unclaimed Medals give the name and rank as John Hill, Chief Quarter Gunner. The Navy has his actual Medal and lists him as George “John” Hill.

Name: Hillock, Marvin C.
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co B, 7th US Cav
Notes: Enlisted 11 Mar 1890, Detroit, Co. B, 7 Cav., discharged 2 Apr 1892. Re-enlisted 5 Aug 1893, Chicago, Co. F, 3 Cav., deserted 11 Jan 1894. Living in Lead, South Dakota as per 1896 article that mentions the Medal. Believed to have married there in 1897. See also Army At Wounded Knee

Name: Hinnegan, William
Alias: Hennigan, Hanigan
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Agawam
Notes: The 1864 enlistment with service on the Agawam was at Portsmith, NH, but residence in New York as William Hanigan. Enlistment for one year with a note of 15 months prior service. Age 23
There is a second enlistment in 1865 for a William Hinnegan. Born in Ireland and occupation Fireman (this was the MoH mans rating) with note of 2 years prior service.
Age 24
May or may not be same man.

Name: Hoffman, Henry
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: Co M, 2d Ohio Cav
Notes: Born in Wurttemberg, Germany, enlisted in Cincinnati, Ohio on 6 Nov 1862. Unit mustered out on 28 September 1865 at Benton Barracks, Missouri.
The man buried in St. Joseph’s cemetery in Ohio was in the 1st US Artillery and is not the MoH man.

Name: Holland, David
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co A, 5th US Inf
Notes: Deserted 3 September 1880, possibly at Fort Keogh, Montana. On the 1880 census he claims birth in Germany.

Name: Holt, George
Conflict: Peacetime 1871-1898
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Plymouth
Notes: Died at Chelsea, MA naval hospital on 26 Aug 1875.

Name: Hoover, Samuel
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co A, 1st US Cav
Notes: Deserted 17 April 1875

Name: Horton, James
Conflict: Peacetime 1871-1898
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Constitution
Notes: Born in either Boston, MA or Manchester England.
Discharged from Constitution in June 1879. Believed to have had at least 2 additional enlistments after Medal of Honor action.

Name: Howard, Peter
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Mississippi
Known Death Information: 25 March 1875, Brooklyn, NY
Notes: Also served on the Vermont, Agawam, U.S. Gunboat Katahdin, and the Rachel Seaman. Applied for pension from Brooklyn in July 1874

Name: Hughey, John P.
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – Co L, 2d OH Cav
Known Death Information: 28 January 1900, Hickman, KY
Notes: Also Co. B, 18th Ill. Inf. Obituary indicates that he may have been cremated.

Name: Hunt, Martin
Conflict: China Relief Expedition
Branch: US Marine Corps – U.S.S. Oregon
Known Death Information: 22 July 1938, Pasay Rizal, Philippine Islands

Name: Huntsman, John A.
Conflict: Philippine Insurrection
Branch: US Army – Co E, 36th Inf US Vols
Last Known City/State: Luzon Philippines
Date of Death: circa 10 July 1902; died of cholera.


Name: Irving, John
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Brooklyn
Notes: Birthplace may be Ireland even though Muster Roll shows New York.
Also served on the U.S.S. Morse

Name: Irving, Thomas
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Lehigh
Notes: promoted to acting master’s mate
Also served on the U.S.S. Iris


Name: James, Miles
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – Co B, 36th U.S.C.T.
Known Death Information: 28 August 1871, Norfolk, VA

Name: Jenkins, Thomas
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Cincinnati
Notes: Born in Australia in 1831, enlisted in NY in 1861.
Also served on the U.S.S. Lexington. Medically discharged 25 Dec 1863

Name: Jim
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Indian Scouts
Reported Death Information: 1889, Ash Flats, AZ

Name: Johnson, Henry
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Metacomet
Notes: Born in Aarenbel, Norway according to his 1857 enlistment, the first of several. Was living at 147 Cherry St. New York in May 1867 when he received the Medal.

Name: Johnson, John
Conflict: Peacetime 1871-1898
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Kansas
Notes: Applied for and received a 5 year pension but died before it was paid in full.
Died 6 October 1890 in Portsmouth, VA, burial unknown.

Name: Johnston, William “Willie”
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – Co D, 3d VT Inf

Name: Jones, Andrew
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Ironcland Chickasaw
Notes: Discharged September 1864. Medal sent to him in July 1865. No indication as to where or if he received it.

Name: Jones, William
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Richmond
Notes: also served on the Cumberland and the Dacotah


Name: Kane, Thomas
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Nereus
Notes: born Jersey City, NJ, 1839 (different DOB than previously recorded). Had multiple enlistments beginning in the 1856. Had blue eyes, red hair and was a glass-blower before joining the Navy.

Name: Kay, John
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co L, 8th US Cav
Last Known City/State: Fort Whipple AZ
Notes: Discharged for disability at Ft. Whipple, AZ, 11 January 1870. No pension card located.

Name: Kelley, Charles
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co G, 1st US Cav
Notes: Also served Co. K, 3rd Cav.; deserted 3 Cav 1874

Name: Kelly, Thomas
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – Co A, 6th NY Cav
Notes: Enlisted 14 Mar. 1864 for 3 years; “absent at Remount Camp, in April 1865, no further record” Occupation at enlistment was Sailor.

Name: Kelsay
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Indian Scouts

Name: Kendrick, Thomas
Alias: Thomas Hendrick.
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Oneida (U.S.S. Bienville)
Notes: was a coxwain; was ‘on loan’ to the Oneida from the Bienville. Home at Pelham, NY, when enlisted at NYC, 4 June 1864. He requested the Medal via his commander on the Richmond-name spelled Hendrick.

Name: Kenyon, Charles W.
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Galena
Notes: promoted to acting third assistant engineer; served on the Galena, South Atlantic Squadron, Wissahickon; discharged 26 Sept. 1865, reenlisted on 13 Dec 1866.
Middle initial is W. He was born at Marcy, Oneida County, New York.

Name: Keough, John
Alias: Shannahan, Thomas
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – Co E, 67th PA Inf
Last Known City/State: Troy/Lansingburgh NY
Notes: also served 22nd NY Inf. under true name of Shannahan from 1861-62. He lived in the area of Troy/Lansingburgh, NY. Keough was his step-father’s name. Reported to have deserted and arrested for desertion near Albany, NY, 29 May 1864 but his PA service recap shows Mustered Out on 29 May 1864.

Name: Kerrigan, Thomas
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co H, 6th US Cav
Notes: There is a Thomas Kerrigan buried at Holy Cross Cem., NYC – correct DOB, but no other connection. Buried with someone named Rose.

Name: King, Hugh
Conflict: Peacetime 1871-1898
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Iroquois
Notes: residence at enlistment was in Cleveland, Ohio; physically enlisted at NYC, 22 July 1871 (this is an odd case because his ‘accredited’ line does not follow the pattern of the other Navy fellows from this time period); occupation: Laborer

Name: Kloth, Charles H.
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – Chicago Mercantile Batt, IL Light Art.
Notes: May have died in Omaha, Nebraska in December 1885 as a pauper.

Name: Kosoha
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Indian Scouts

Name: Krause, Ernest
Conflict: Spanish-American War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Nashville
Notes: Discharged less than honorably on 9 January 1907 at Portsmouth, NH
Last known address the Navy had circa 1934 was New Jersey City, New Jersey.


Name: Lakin, Daniel
Alias: Laken
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Commodore Perry
Notes: Enlisted 15 October 1861 in New York (accredited to Maryland as per regulations at the time) Discharged 8 June 1865, final rank acting ensign.

Name: Lakin, Thomas
Conflict: Peacetime 1871-1898
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Narragansett
Last Known City/State: San Francisco
Notes: Believed to have died in San Francisco in 1884. As per Navy pension file: lived in & around San Francisco/Sacramento, CA, from 1877-1881 and had really bad epilepsy. Last contact with pension board was in 1881. Received treatment at one point from Mare Island Navy Yard Hospital. Some reports place him in Sacramento/Folsom but a letter he signed in 1881 states that is in error.

Name: Lawrence, James
Alias: Laurence, James
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co B, 8th US Cav
Notes: Born 1832/3 in Aberdeen, Scotland; enlistment name was “Laurence”; note that there was another James Lawrence, born 1838, Scotland, who was enlisted in 13th U.S. Inf. at the same time the MOH recipient was in 8th Cav. – the non-MOH Lawrence lived in Dayton, OH, following his discharge.

Name: Lenihan, James
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co K, 5th US Cav
Notes: Discharged March 1880 in Wyoming.

Name: Leslie, Frank
Alias: William Tomlinson (likely his true name)
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – Co B, 4th NY Cav
Known Death Information: 1 August 1882, Minneapolis, KS
Notes: Also Co. B, 9th NY Cav; wife’s name was Alice. Born in either Yorkshire or London, England

Name: Levery, William
Conflict: Spanish-American War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Marblehead
Notes: A 1898 news report at the time of the cable-cutting, said Levery had been in the service for “about two years” and that his next of kin was John Hickey, of 1310 Clarion Street, Philadelphia, PA.

Name: Lloyd, Benjamin
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Wyalusing
Notes: Enlisted 1/22/1864 for 1 year, aged 25, residence PA. Also served on the Chicopee

Name: Lloyd, John W.
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Wyalusing
Notes: ES 2/5/1864 at Philadelphia for 5 yrs, residence in NY, age 33; promoted to acting masters mate, appt later revoked

Name: Lowthers, James
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co H, 6th US Cav
Notes: He acknowledged receipt of Medal at Camp Bowie, AZ in December 1876
Discharged by ETS at Camp Verde, AZ in November 1878.

Name: Lucy, John
Alias: Lucey, John
Conflict: Peacetime 1871-1898
Branch: US Navy – U.S. Training Ship Minnesota
Notes: true last name was ‘Lucey’; DOB 11 Aug 1859; he enlisted as a minor to serve until he was 21 years old


Name: Machol
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Indian Scouts

Name: Machon, James
Alias: Joseph Machin (likely true name)
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Brooklyn
Notes: Enlistement record gives name as Joseph Machin. In the recommendation for the MOH, he was named as James Machon. In the surgeon’s report for the battle for which he received the MOH, he is referred to as Joseph Machon. He suffered splinter wounds and a severe concussion.
There is also a James Machin, also born in England, who served in the Navy around the same time but not aboard the USS Brooklyn.

Name: Madden, William
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Brooklyn
Notes: 21 y/o when enlisted in Navy in 1864 as per Brooklyn muster roll. Discharged January 1865.

Name: Magee, John W.
Alias: John Wellesley Magee
Conflict: Peacetime 1871-1898
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Tallapoosa
Notes: born abt. 1848 at Washington, D.C. (NOT 1859 Maryland); at least 7 enlistments from 1867-1888; civilian residence at Washington, DC, occupation: tinner or tin roofer; middle name Wellesley; also- there is a death certificate for a John W. Magee, born 1849, at Washington, D.C., Occupation Fireman, who died 29 March 1892 – this could be the recipient (given that the recipient was a fireman in the Navy).

Name: Magee, William
Alias: McGee
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – Co C, 33d NJ Inf
Notes: may be buried in the Northumberland area of PA

Name: Mahers, Herbert
Alias: Mayers, Herbert
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co F, 8th US Cav
Notes: Deserted 1 June 1871

Name: Mahoney, George
Conflict: Spanish-American War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Vixen
Last Known City/State: Tauton MA
Notes: 1900 Census serving on USFS Newark with home address in Worcester. 1904 Newspaper article announces award and states Navy doesn’t know where he is.

Name: Mahoney, Gregory
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co E, 4th US Cav
Notes: Discharged November 1876 at Camp Robinson. Has IMO at Ft. Concho National Historical Landmark, Texas

Name: Manning, Henry J.
Conflict: Peacetime 1871-1898
Branch: US Navy – U.S. Training Ship New Hampshire
Notes: full birth date 17 Sept. 1859, enlisted to serve until 21 years of age; entered service 8 March 1876 at Baltimore, MD.

Name: Martin, Patrick
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Last Known City/State: Washington DC
Branch: US Army – Co G, 5th US Cav
Known Death: 12 December 1895, DC

Name: Martin, William
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Varuna

Name: McAnally, Charles
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – Co D, 69th PA Inf
Last Known City/State: Washington/Philadelphia DC/PA
Known Date of Death: 1905
Notes: Also served Co. G, 69th PA Inf. & Co. H, 2nd PA Inf.; brother named Peter in Philadelphia. Place of death in Austin may be wrong; pension last paid June 1905. Disch. Hampton Nat’l Home March 1905; also, another brother named Edward.

Name: McBride, Bernard
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co B, 8th US Cav
Notes: Deserted 3 Dec 1868

Name: McCabe, William
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co E, 4th US Cav
Notes: Enl. 4 July 1874, action Sept 1874, discharged May 1875 for disability. Occupation at enl.: miner; age at enl.: 26 y & 4 mos; has IMO at Ft. Concho National Historical Landmark, Texas. Last seen en Eagle Pass, TX in December 1881.

Name: McCullock, Adam
Alias: McCulloch, McCullough, McCollock
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Lackawanna
Notes: Also served Co. I, 27st ME Inf. Transferred to Navy 1 August 1864. Parents were Adam & Hannah. He is on the 1850 and 1860 Censuses in Kennebunk, Maine. He died on 31 December 1864 at the Pensacola Florida Navy Hospital.
May be buried at Barrancas National Cemetery as an unknown.

Name: McDonald, Franklin M.
Alias: McDonnold, Franklin M.
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co G, 11th US Inf
Notes: Signed name as McDonnold on enlistment papers and letter acknowledging Medal. Deserted 4 December 1873, likely from Fort Griffin, Texas.

Name: McDonald, John
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Baron De Kalb
Notes: Born at Perth, Scotland. Age 44 at 1861 enlistment.

Name: McEnroe, Patrick H.
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – Co D, 6th NY Cav

Name: McGowan, John
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Varuna
Notes: Was living on Portland Avenue in Brooklyn in 1863 when he applied for his Medal.

Name: McIntyre, James W.
Conflict: Philippine Insurrection
Branch: US Army
Notes: Was murdered in Mexico in May 1930. Burial unknown, possibly by Mormons in one of their cemeteries.

Name: McKenzie, Alexander
Conflict: Korea 1870
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Colorado
Notes: Discharged March 1873. Reenlisted in June 1873, deserted September 1874.

Name: McKinley, Daniel
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co B, 8th US Cav
Notes: Lived near Ft. Stanton, NM, in 1880 census

Name: Mifflin, James
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Brooklyn
Notes: Entered service NYC, with residence in VA; African-American/”mulatto”

Name: Miller, Andrew
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Marine Corps – U.S.S. Richmond
Notes: Enlisted: 21 August 1854 in Washington, D.C. Honorably discharged 21 Oct 21, 1866; also served on the Brooklyn.
An 1893 Boston newspaper article states that Miller is employed at the navy yard.
There was another Andrew Miller, also born in Germany, who joined the marines in July 1866 in Chicago. This man was in the army when MoH Miller was earning the Medal at Mobile Bay.

Name: Miller, George W.
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co B, 8th US Cav
Last Known City/State: Wickensburg AZ
Known Death Information: 29 September 1869, Wickensburg, AZ
Notes: Also Assist. Surg. 97th PA Inf. and Surg. 50th PA Inf.
Possibly buried at Wickensburg which was reportedly a military outpost and mining camp.

Name: Miller, Hugh
Conflict: Peacetime 1871-1898
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Quinnebaug

Name: Millmore, John
Conflict: Peacetime 1871-1898
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Essex
Notes: full birth date 26 March 1859, to serve until aged 21; enlisted 18 Jan 1876.

Name: Montrose, Charles H.
Alias: Munson, Alexander D.
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co I, 5th US Inf
Last Known City/State: Kings Co. NY
Known Death info: 13 Oct 1917, NY
Notes: Cremated at Fresh Pond Crematorium, NY; ashes returned to relative. Also in Co. D, 2nd Cav. (deserter)

Name: Moore, Charles
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S. Steam Gunboat Marblehead
Last Known City/State: Indian Territory
Notes: Also served on the Receiving Ship North Carolina
“Story of American Heroism”, published 1897, states “A few years ago Captain Meade received a letter from him from the Indian Territory”

Name: Moore, Francis
Conflict: Peacetime 1871-1898
Branch: US Navy – U.S. Training Ship Portsmouth

Name: Moquin, George
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co F, 5th US Cav
Notes: deserted 7 April 1881

Name: Moran, John
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co F, 8th US Cav
Last Known City/State: Fort Custer MT
Notes: Last discharge for was for disability in 1881 at Ft. Custer, Mont. No pension card located. Also served in 8th Cav. & 2nd Cav. A John Moran is buried in eastern Idaho but service records do not match that of the MoH man.

Name: Morris, John
Conflict: Peacetime 1871-1898
Branch: US Marine Corps – U.S.S. Lancaster (Flagship)
Notes: Enlisted at Philadelphia according to muster rolls. MoH Morris deserted in France in August 1882.
The USMC webpage states he was honorably discharged in 1895 but this is a very different John Morris. The physical description and place of birth are very different.

Name: Morris, William W.
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co H, 6th US Cav
Notes: He acknowledged receipt of Medal at Camp Bowie, AZ in July 1875. Discharged 1 June 1877 at Camp Grant, AZ

Name: Morse, William
Conflict: Peacetime 1871-1898
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Shenandoah
Notes: born May 1852 at Hamburg, Germany. Deserted the Shenandoah at Montevideo, Uruguay, January 1882.

Name: Murphy, Thomas
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – Co K, 158th NY Inf

Name: Myers, William H.
Alias: Meyers, William H.
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – Co A, 1st Maryland Cav
Last Known City/State: Baltimore MD
Notes: Discharged for disability 6/11/1865, and gave address as Baltimore; applied for pension Aug. 3, 1865 as Meyers. Lived in Jefferson City, Cole Co., Missouri in 1883; as per pension paperwork. Moved between PA and Baltimore – last known address 1710 1/2 Monument St., Baltimore, in 1893 at age age 46 (DOB 1847)


Name: Nannasaddie
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Indian Scouts

Name: Nantaje (Nantahe)
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Indian Scouts

Name: Neil, John
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Agawam
Notes: DOB could also be 1837. Transferred to Navy from Co I, 8th Connecticut Inf. in 1864.
The man buried at Mare Island is not the MoH man. He never served on the Agawam.

Name: Norris, J. W.
Possible Alias: John W. Norris
Conflict: Peacetime 1871-1898
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Jamestown
Notes: If name is John W. Norris, enlisted NYC 18 June 1883 with residence in Fall River, Massachusetts, occupation: nurse, 21 years and 3 months, which puts his DOB in March 1862. Discharged June 1886


Name: O’Callaghan, John
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co B, 8th US Cav
Notes: Discharged October 1871 at Ft. Stanton, NM

Name: O’Connor, Timothy
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – Co E, 1st US Cav
Notes: Discharged 24 Dec 1865 in New Orleans. May have served prior to 1st Cav in 23rd Ill Infantry as Timothy Conner.
IMO in Arlington Nat’l Cemetery recorded death as 1868.

Name: O’Neal, John
Conflict: Peacetime 1871-1898
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Kansas
Notes: Last name spelled O’Neil on order

Name: O’Neill, William
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co I, 4th US Cav
Notes: Cabinetmaker when enlisted; IMO at Fort Concho, San Angelo, TX
Notes: Discharged 21 March 1875 in Texas

Name: Ortega, John
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Saratoga
Notes: Appointed Acting Masters Mate on US Sloop Saratoga. Reportedly deserted Navy June 1865


Name: Parker, William
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Cayuga
Notes: enlisted at New York, residence MA (There were 2 Parkers, may have enlisted in Portsmouth, NH not NY)
Also served on the U.S. Steamer Conemaugh and attained the rank of Quartermaster

Name: Parks, George
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Richmond
Notes: Discharged July 1865. Acknowledged receiving Medal September 1865 but location unknown.

Name: Parks, James W.
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – Co F, 11th Missouri Inf
Known Death Information: 14 January 1906, Massac County, IL
Last Known City/State: Metropolis IL
Notes: Lived last years of his life in Metropolis and Pelonia, Massac Co., IL

Name: Pease, Joachim
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Kearsarge
Notes: Pease’s place of birth has been reported as Long Island, NY and entered service as New York City, NY. His enlistment record shows birth as Fogo Island which was believed to be Newfoundland, Canada. A recently published article by the Navy states there are two Fogo Islands, the other is at Cape Verde, Africa which has a man by the name of Joakim Pease associated with it. Newfoundland has no birth record for him.
Pease actually enlisted in New Bedford, Mass.

Name: Perry, Thomas
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Kearsarge
Notes: also served on the Ohio, Portsmouth, and U.S. Steamer Spirea. Attained rank of Master at Arms.

Name: Peterson, Alfred
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Commodore Perry
Notes: Acknowledged receipt of Medal June 1863 aboard the Commodore Perry. May have reenlisted in 1867 in Boston.

Name: Phinney, William
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Lackawanna
Last Known City/State: New York NY
Notes: lived at 156 Mott St. NYC when applied for a pension on 10 Aug 1875
Also served on the U.S. Steamer Union

Name: Pile, Richard
Alias: Richard T. Pile
Conflict: Peacetime 1871-1898
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Kansas
Notes: Middle initial “T”; born Barbados, West Indies. Had at least two enlistments, first one was in Boston in 1870.

Name: Porter, William
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – Co H, 1st NJ Cav

Name: Prance, George
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Ticonderoga
Notes: May be at Mountain View Cem, Oakland, CA, Soldiers Plot 12, Sect 4, Grave 9, DOD 4/4/1885, but need more to connect this man with MOH man.

Name: Price, Edward
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Brooklyn

Name: Province, George
Alias: Provence, George
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Santiago de Cuba
Notes: Transferred to the Navy at Boston from the 13th MA Light Artillery, but enlisted in the 13th MA L.A. at Topsfield, MA.

Name: Pyne, George
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Magnolia
There is a George Pyne who drowned aboard the USS Huron off the coast of North Carolina in November 1877. This is not the recipient, the service record is very different.


Name: Read, Charles
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Magnolia
Notes: May have deserted in June 1865

Name: Reed, James C.
Alias (likely true name): Reid, James C.
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co A, 8th US Cav
Last Known City/State: Washington DC
Notes: aka Reid in after-action reports & Disability for Discharge certificate. In 1882 was living at the Soldiers’ Home in D.C. Also served in 1 Oregon Cav. during CW; most of IC service in Co. B, 1 Cav.; pension paid to D.C. in 1883.

Name: Regan, Jeremiah
Alias: Reagan, Jeremiah
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Galena
Notes: Died 23 Oct 1865 in Boston, MA
Reported buried in Charleston, MA. Parents Jeremiah and Ellen.

Name: Regan, Patrick
Conflict: Peacetime 1871-1898
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Pensacola
Notes: He had at least 2 enlistments (1872 and 1875), residence at NYC at both enlistments, occupation Mariner; birth Queenstown, Ireland

Name: Rice, Charles
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Agawam
Born: Either in Russia or Maine. Age at enlistment in 1864 was 24, but he was 15 on the 1860 Census, so DOB could be from 1840-1845. Enlistment register shows birth in Russia, ME but no such town seems to exist.
Notes: Residence when enlisted was Cape Elizabeth, Cumberland County, Maine. He is NOT buried at Woodlawn Cemetery, Westbrook, ME; that Rice never served on the Agawam.

Name: Richman, Samuel
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co E, 8th US Cav
Notes: Deserted 24 July 1869

Name: Riley, Thomas
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – Co D, 1st LA Cav
May have died in Louisiana of Yellow Fever in November 1867.

Name: Robinson, Alexander
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Howquah
Notes: Enlisted in New York Feb 1862, discharged Feb 1865. Received Medal in August 1868 at unknown location.

Name: Robinson, Thomas
Alias: Robison, Thomas
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – Co H, 81st PA Inf
Last Known City/State: Brooklyn NY
Notes: was in Brooklyn, NY, April 1865 when applied for pension, lost left leg in battle 6/3/1864. There was a second Thomas Robinson who also lost a left leg at Spotsylvania – he was with the 72nd PA Inf.; MOH actually enlisted at Summit Hill, Carbon Co., PA, & was mustered in at Tamaqua

Name: Rockefeller, Charles Mortimer
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – Co A, 178th NY Inf
Believed to have died 28 April 1899, near Manila Philippines as
KIA, remains not recovered. There are also reports that he was taken prisoner near Manila on 28 Apr 1899.

Name: Rooney, Edward
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co D, 5th US Inf
Last Known City/State: Cincinnati OH
Notes: also served Co. K, 98th NY Inf.; Co. C, 15th U.S. Inf.; Co. C, 2nd U.S. Inf.; & recruiting duty. Final discharge June 1887 in Cincinnati, OH; occupation before first enlistment was “weaver”

Name: Rouning, Johannes
Alias: Johannes Ronning
Conflict: Peacetime 1871-1898
Branch: US Navy – U.S Tug Fortune
Notes: He was born in May 1859 (as calculated from his 1885 enlistment) in Norway; based on his signature, his last name was actually Ronning.

Name: Russell, John
Conflict: Peacetime 1871-1898
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Trenton
Notes: Acknowledged receipt of Medal in April 1881 at unknown location.

Name: Ryan, Dennis
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co I, 6th US Cav
Notes: Discharged 14 Jan 1875 at Camp Supply in Indian Territory. At that time it was in Oklahoma. He acknowledge receipt of the Medal at Camp Supply on 7 June 1875, six months after his discharge.


Name: Sadler, William
Conflict: Peacetime 1871-1898
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Saratoga
Notes: born Boston, MA; place of residence NYC; physical enlistment NYC

Name: Saunders, James
Conflict: Civil War
Last Known City/State: Boston MA
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Kearsarge
Notes: DOB varies from 1819-1835 in records; lived in & around Boston area, last known corresp. with pension board in Boston in 1915
Also served on the US Steamer Dacotah

Name: Schmal, George
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army, Co M, 24th NY Cav
Notes: The George Schmal buried in New York’s, Forest Lawn Cemetery is not the MoH man. The man buried there was in the 8th Cav and born in NY.
The MOH recipient was born in Germany and was 5’ 9”, as described in his enlistment papers and served in the 24th NY Cav from Dec 1863 to June 1865. He used the spelling “Schmal” with only one H in his name.
The MoH man is believed to have been living in California in 1885. May have died in Stockton, CA between 1894-1898.

Name: Schutt, George
Alias: George Schults; Schultz
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: Navy – U.S.S. Hendrick Hudson
Notes: Recommendations for award spell name Schultz and Schults. May have been born in Germany.

Name: Scott, George D.
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co D, 7th US Cav
Notes: Discharged 5 August 1876 in Montana

Name: Seanor, James
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S. Ironclad Chickasaw
Notes: Deserted from U.S.S. Guerriere. Navy MoH logbook says deserted 25 December 1868 at Montevideo. The Guerriere ship log says deserted 3 January 1869. Birth varies between Massachusetts and London, England.

Name: Shea, Joseph Henry
Conflict: Civil War
Last Known City/State: Buckner AR
Branch: US Army – Co K, 92d NY Inf
Notes: Was a minor when enlisted, Daniel O’Neill of New Bern, NC, signed papers. Also served in G, 96th NY Inf. and 9th and 12th Inf. Deserted 9th Inf. 1870; possible last known address 1930 Census: Buckner, Lafayette Co., Ark.
There is a grave at Mars Hill Cemetery, Stamps, Arkansas that matches his birth and last known location information. Need link to the MoH man.

Name: Sherrin, John
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co C, 8th US Cav
Notes: Last discharge August 1885 in Texas

Name: Shivers, John
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Marine Corps – U.S.S. Minnesota
Notes: Residence when entered service was Newton Twp, Camden Co., NJ; deserted 27 October 1865 at Philadelphia

Name: Simons, Charles Jenks
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – Co A, 9th NH Inf
Known Death info: 18 June 1914, Chicago, IL
Notes: Cremains returned to widow.

Name: Smith, Andrew J.
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co G, 8th US Cav
Notes: Last discharge was October 1878 in Texas

Name: Smith, Charles E.
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co H, 6th US Cav
Notes: Discharged February 1874 in Colorado

Name: Smith, Edwin V.B.
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Whitehead
Notes: Died 15 September 1875 during hurricane at Indianola, TX.
Has IMO at Port Lavaca Cemetery, Port Lavaca, TX

Name: Smith, James
Conflict: Peacetime 1871-1898
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Kansas

Name: Smith, John
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Lackawanna
Acknowledged receiving Medal in Brooklyn in June 1865. Discharged 12 May 1865 due to chronic rheumatism. Enlistment, ship muster roll and hospital ticket show birth in Massachusetts.

Name: Smith, John
Conflict: Peacetime 1871-1898
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Shenandoah
Notes: Described as ‘mulatto’ Born Hamilton, Bermuda; at least 3 enlistments; residence at Brooklyn at 1882 enlistment. Discharged 26 May 1882 at Boston Navy Yard, ship decommissioned next day.

Name: Smith, Oloff
Alias: Cloff Smith
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Richmond
Notes: name originally recorded as “Cloff Smith”

Name: Smith, Otto
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co K, 8th US Cav
Notes: Enlisted at Sacramento, California, 13 Jan 1869 in Co. K, 8th Cav., 5’7.5” tall, blue eyes, light hair, light complexion, born around 1848, Baltimore, Maryland, Barber by occupation, deserted 24 July 1869.
May have served in MD Infantry during Civil War. A man by this name who did died 8 Oct 1924 in Panama City, FL but there is no direct link between the two.

Name: Smith, Thomas
Conflict: Peacetime 1871-1898
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Enterprise
Notes: Presented Medal in October 1878 aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise at New York. Deserted at New York Harbor 15 November 1878.
His date of action has been misrecorded. The Enterprise was anchored in New York on 1 October 1878, his recorded date of action, not in Brazilian waters where his action reportedly took place.

Name: Smith, Thomas J.
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co G, 1st US Cav
Notes: Deserted February 1870

Name: Smith, Walter B.
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Richmond
Notes: also served on the Hatteras
Living in Brooklyn in September 1865

Name: Smith, William
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Kearsarge
Notes: Born in 1826, enlistment notes he was 36 years old in 1862.
Entered service in New Bedford; credited to Boston.
Served on the Receiving Ship Ohio and the U.S.S. Kearsarge. Discharged from Kearsarge on 20 July 1864 as Quartermaster. 1862 Enlistment recorded birth in Providence, Rhode Island.
The man in Blossom Hill is the wrong man.

Name: Smith, William
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co G, 8th US Cav
Notes: Discharged on 19 June 1874 at Ft. Stanton, NM. Previous occupation was sailor.

Name: Sova, Joseph E.
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – Co H, 8th NY Cav
Known Death Information: 23 October 1866, Walworth, NY
Notes: Also served in Co M, 8th NY Cav.

Name: Sprowle, David
Alias: David Sprowls
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Marine Corps – U.S.S. Richmond
Notes: At time of his action in 1864, he had been in the service for 28 years; also served 2nd U.S. Artillery.
Also served on the U.S. Steamer Mattabesett
The David Sprowls buried in Red Mills Cem, Lisbon, NY, died in 1827

Name: Stanley, Edward
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Unit: Co F, 8th US Cav
Notes: deserted 6 July 1870; tried to re-enlisted in Artillery but was caught – that enlistment also from San Francisco

Name: Stanley, William A.
Alias: Stanley, William E.
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Hartford
Notes: severely wounded in action. Discharged April 1865.

Name: Stewart, Benjamin F.
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Last Known City/State: Newport Barracks KY
Branch: US Army – Co E, 7th US Inf
Notes: Originally enlisted 19 Aug 1872 in Co. K, 2nd Artillery at Boston, Ma., but was underage so was discharged. Enlisted 3 May 1875 in Co. E, 7th Infantry at Newport Barracks, KY. Discharged 27 Dec 1876 by S.O. for being physically unable to do his duties. He received his Medal the same date. Last known location is Camp Baker, Montana.
His mother was Leah E. Stewart, sister Annie E. Stewart, both of Norfolk, Va.; mother gave his birth date as July 16. 1853 in a deposition; his father was William B. Stewart (father’s DOD June 27, 1868)
May have enlisted in the Navy or Marines. One report says buried at sea.

Name: Stewart, Joseph
Alias: Stuart
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – Co G, 1st MD Inf
Notes: enlisted 9/30/1864, discharged 6/3/1865

Name: Stoddard, James
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Marmora
Notes: promoted to acting master’s mate which he resigned 20 May 1865. Was born Fort Robinson, Canada
Also served on U.S.S. Choctaw

Name: Strahan, Robert
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Kearsarge
Notes: Believed to have reenlisted in Boston in 1867, deserted at Rio De Janeiro 7 April 1868.

Name: Strivson, Benoni
Alias: True name Benoni Stinson
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army, Co B, 8th US Cav
Notes: Died 15 December 1870 in Stockton, CA at Stockton State Hospital.
Likely buried there but local historians cannot verify. Has an IMO in Stockton Rural Cemetery, Stockton, CA

Name: Sullivan, Thomas
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co G, 1st US Cav
Notes: Discharged for disability May 1871 in California. No pension card located.

Name: Swatton, Edward
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Santiago de Cuba
Notes: Residence at enlistment was North Chelsea, MA, enlistment at Boston. Ship muster roll states deserted in Feb 1865 at Norfolk.

Name: Sweeney, Robert A.
Alias: Sweeney, Albert
Conflict: Peacetime 1871-1898
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Kearsarge
Known Death Information: 19 December 1890, New York NY
Notes: Double recipient – second award on Yantic.
Several webpages report him buried in Calvary Cemetery, Woodside, NY
but multiple inquiries have made. The cemetery has no record of his burial under either name.
He was born in Montserat, West Indies, NOT Wisconsin as is sometimes reported.

Name: Sweeney, William
Conflict: Peacetime 1871-1898
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Jean Sands
Notes: The USS Jean Sands was a tug used as a tug and salvage vessel at the Norfolk base. Based on the rendezvous card, he was assigned to Norfolk and happened to be aboard the Jean Sands on June 15, 1880 when he rescued the girl who had fallen overboard.


Name: Thompson, George Washington
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co C, 2d US Cav
Notes: enlistment records state he was born in Victoria, New York, and enlisted from Syracuse, New York.
March 8, 1866 for 3 years, enlisted at Syracuse, NY, 19 years old, farmer, assigned to Co. E, 4th Infantry, discharged in Wyoming Territory, expiration of service.
June 11, 1869 for 5 years, enlisted at Omaha Barracks, Neb., 21 years old, laborer, assigned to Co. C, 2nd Cavalry, deserted May 16 1872, apprehended the next day, escaped/deserted July 2, 1872 awaiting sentence at Omaha Barracks, Nebrasks from GCM.
There is also a recorded location of Victory, New York and a George Thompson from there served in the 16th NY Artillery.

Name: Thompson, James Harry
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – US Vols
Known Death Information: 4 November 1896, Great Yarmouth, England

Name: Thompson, John
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co G, 1st US Cav
Notes: Discharged July 1873 at Camp Bidwell, Calif.

Name: Thornton, Michael
Conflict: Peacetime 1871-1898
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Tug Leyden
Notes: Residence at enlistment was Philadelphia, PA. Discharged September 1884.

Name: Tobin, Paul
AKA: True name may be Paul Jobin or Paul Johim
Conflict: Peacetime 1871-1898
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Plymouth
Notes: His Medal was sent to the US Consul in Brest, France in April 1873 and then resent to Portsmouth, NH, possibly to USS Sabine. Paul Jobin’s last known enlistment ended in September 1879.

Name: Todd, Samuel
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Brooklyn
Notes: Enlisted Nov 1861, age 46 at Boston, again 29 Feb 1864 at Boston. 1861 appears to have been 2nd enlistment.
Born in Portsmouth, also served on the Ohio and US Steamer Stepping Stones.

Name: Tolan, Frank
Alias: Toland, Francis
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co D, 7th US Cav
Notes: Discharged at Ft. Yates, ND in August 1880. His Medal of Honor turned up in Boston in July 1896.

Name: Tripp, Othneil
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Seneca
Notes: First available enlistment was in Boston with note of 4 1/2 years prior service. Birth listed as Gardner or Gardiner Maine. He had several other enlistments in the Navy, all were clearly the same man based on descriptions of his tattoos. By his 1872 enlistment he had 18 years in the Navy. Last known enlistment was January 1877 enlistment with discharge June 1877 in Callas, Peru. Believed to have been married to Martha Ann Bran 1860-1863 (her death).

Name: Turvelin, Alexander Haure
Conflict: Peacetime 1871-1898
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Trenton
Last Known City/State: St. Louis MO
Notes: in 1883, was working as a “packer” for the U.S. Navy Quartermaster’s Dept. in St. Louis, MO. In 1892 his heirs were asking Congress to consider a private compensation claim

Name: Tyrrell, George William
Alias: Terrill, Tyrell, Tyrrel, Tyrrell
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – Co H, 5th OH Inf
Notes: Died prior to 12 September 1869 according to newspaper article. No specifics given. May be buried in Indiana.


Name: Volz, Robert
Conflict: Spanish-American War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Nashville
Notes: Deserted at Buenos Ares in October 1904 and died there in 1939.

Name: Von Medem, Rudolph
Alias: Rudolph Von Meden; also first name Gustave
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co A, 5th US Cav
Notes: Discharged October 1873 at Camp Verde, AZ


Name: Walker, John
Alias: Frazier, Joseph
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co D, 8th US Cav
Notes: unknown which name is his true name; deserted twice, final one in 1874
Under Frazier birth in Italy claimed, under Walker birth in France claimed.

Name: Ward, Charles H.
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co G, 1st US Cav
Notes: Discharged for disability 1870. Applied for pension in 1871, not approved/abandoned. Birth recorded as 1845, most likely is 1847 as per enlistment age.

Name: Ward, James
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Lackawanna
Notes: Medal was mailed to him in Chicago, IL in November 1865. He may have been living in New York in November 1866.

Name: Watson, Joseph
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co F, 8th US Cav
Notes: deserted 3/16/1870

Name: Weeks, Charles H.
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Montauk
Notes: Deserted 30 Sep 1865 at New York. Believed to have reenlisted again in 1866 and 1868. May have died in NY in December 1871.
The Charles H. Weeks on the 1890 Franklin Co. Census is likely not the MoH man as that Charles H. Weeks served in the 49th Massachusetts. The MOH Charles Weeks was Navy.

Name: Welch, George W.
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – Co A, 11th Missouri Inf
Notes: Deserted July 1865, mustered out in Memphis, TN in Jan 1866.
A man from Iowa named George W. Welch married Araminta Taylor in Iowa in 1867 but it wasn’t the MoH man. Her husband was in the 4th Iowa Cav. He died in 1917 and is buried in Washington state.

Name: Welch, Michael
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co M, 6th US Cav
Notes: Discharged October 1871 at Camp Supply, Indian Territory

Name: Wells, William
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Richmond
Notes: on April 24, 1862, while serving on the Brooklyn, he was wounded and lost sight in his right eye. Stayed in naval service and transferred to the Richmond in Sept. 1863. Also served on the U.S.S. Colorado. His request for the Medal states that he reenlisted in March 1865 for 3 years.
Died 8 Feb 1868 on Receiving Ship in New York. Buried in old Brooklyn Naval Cemetery which is now defunct. He is not recorded as being moved to Cypress National.

Name: Westerhold, William
Alias: Werterhold, William
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – Co G, 52d NY Inf
Known Death Information: 12 May 1910, New York, NY
Notes: Cremated at Fresh Pond Crematorium, Queens, NY, ashes returned to funeral home

Name: White, Joseph
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. New Ironsides
Notes: Transferred to U.S.S. Princeton March 1865 but is on record as having never reported.

Name: Whitfield, Daniel
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Lackawanna
Notes: Acknowledged receiving the Medal on the Lackawanna in July 1865. Appears to have had multiple enlistments. Last known discharge was November 1871.

Name: Wilkins, Leander A.
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – Co H, 9th NH Inf
Last Known City/State: Lakeside CA
Notes: applied for pension in 1898, aged 54, from Lakeside, San Diego Co., Cal; appl. Dropped b/c failed to show for exam; in 1870, lived in Portland, ME, with wife Mary

Name: Williams, Anthony
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Pontoosuc
Notes: Also served on the U.S.S. Tacony
Notes: Acknowledged receipt of Medal in August 1865 aboard the U.S. Receiving Ship Ohio. Discharged November 1866.

Name: Williams, Augustus
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Santiago de Cuba
Notes: originally enlisted at Medford, MA, in the 11th Mass. Inf. but transferred to Navy at Boston on 17 May 1864; born Kristiansand, Norway; also served on the U.S.S. Ohio

Name: Williams, Frank
Conflict: Spanish-American War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Marblehead
Entered Service from New York.
Notes: as per Mulholland’s MOH Legion book, he died prior to 1905 and was living in “Porto Rico.”
New York Times has a death notice for a Frank Williams on 24 October 1900 who drowned in “Porto Rico” body not recovered. Deceased was believed to have been from New York.
There is a Puerto Rico death certificate that fits this scenario meaning his body was recovered. Cemetery is investigating but many records were destroyed in a flood.

Name: Williams, John
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Commodore Perry
Notes: Last known location-discharged from the USS Ticonderoga in February 1867. He also served in an Army unit with the 10th NJ Infantry between Navy enlistments.

Name: Williams, Peter
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S. Ironclad Steamer Monitor
Notes: Also served on the U.S. Steamer Florida. Discharged 9 November 1867. May have died in S.F., California on 28 January 1887

Name: Williams, Robert
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Benton
Notes: Also served on the U.S.S. North Carolina.
Notes: Robert Williams received his Medal on board the North Carolina in the Brooklyn Navy Yard on 15 May 1863. It was presented that day by Captain Richard Meade. This makes his the first known Naval presentation. Reenlisted on 20 February 1863, discharge unknown/file not located.

Name: Willis, Richard
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. New Ironsides
Known Death Information: either 9 or 10 September 1896, Vallejo, CA (Two different death notices give two different dates) Committed suicide.
Notes: Also served on the U.S. Guard Ship Bienville

Name: Wills, Henry
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co C, 8th US Cav
Notes: Discharged 20 August 1875 at Eagle Springs, TX

Name: Wilson, August
Conflict: Peacetime 1871-1898
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Puritan
Notes: Last known discharge was 27 January 1900 in Puerto Rico.

Name: Wilson, Benjamin
Conflict: Indian Campaigns
Branch: US Army – Co M, 6th US Cav
Notes: Discharged 15 February 1880 at Fort Harney, OR

Name: Wilson, John
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – Co L, 1st NJ Cav

Name: Woodall, William H.
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Army – Gen Sheridan’s Hdqrs.

Name: Woon, John
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Pittsburgh
Last know location was at a charity hospital in New Orleans in June 1880.

Name: Wright, William
Conflict: Civil War
Branch: US Navy – U.S.S. Monticello
Notes: enlisted 17 Mar 1863, discharged 10 Sep 1865. Also served on ships U.S.S. Princeton, Alleghany, Bradywine, Comm. Jones and State of Georgia.

  2 Responses to “Lost to History”

  1. […] Medal of Honor Historical Society of the United States, Lost to History, http://www.mohhsus.com/lost-to-history accessed 4 Aug 2013. Share this:TwitterFacebookGoogle +1Like this:Like Loading… Aside | This […]

  2. […] Medal of Honor Historical Society of the United States, Lost to History, http://www.mohhsus.com/lost-to-history accessed 4 Aug 2013. Share this:TwitterFacebookGoogle +1Like this:Like […]